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Monday, 4 January 2010


orthopnia - short breath when lying supine. needs to sit up to breathe.
level can be measured by no. of pillows used.

pneumothorax could be diagnosed by percussion, where patient is placed supine, and tapped on the sternum while being auscultated on the anterior lung fields. if there is a one-sided pneomothorax, the sound is resonant, booming and exaggerated.

upon taking CVS history;

qOnset ( abrupt or gradual )
how did the pain start?
qNature ( character)
tell me about the pain, how is it like?
did it become worse/better at some point?
where is the pain?
does the pain spread>?
how long have you had this pain for>
qPrecipitating Factors
what makes it worse?
qRelieving factors
what makes it better?
qOther relevant symptoms
do you have other things that may bother you>

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